Power of Teams
Power of T-shaped People
Power of Prototyping
Power of Empathy
Power of Creative Confidence
About the author
The authors argue that teams are an essential tool for creativity, as they bring together people with different skills and perspectives. By working together, teams can come up with more creative solutions than individuals working alone. The authors argue that it's important for teams to be inclusive, diverse, and open to new ideas, in order to foster the kind of creativity that leads to breakthrough innovations.
The authors argue that "T-shaped people" - those with a deep expertise in one area and a broad range of skills in others - are particularly well-suited to today's fast-paced, ever-changing world. They argue that by developing a diverse set of skills and experiences, we can be more adaptable and better able to come up with innovative solutions to the problems we face.
The authors argue that prototyping is an essential tool for creativity, as it allows us to test our ideas quickly and cheaply. By creating prototypes, we can get feedback on our ideas and make adjustments before investing too much time and resources into them. The authors argue that this is particularly important in today's fast-paced world, where the ability to iterate quickly is key to staying ahead of the competition.
The authors argue that empathy is an important tool for creativity, as it allows us to understand the needs and perspectives of others. By developing our empathy, we can gain a deeper understanding of the people we're trying to serve, and come up with more effective solutions to their problems. The authors argue that this is particularly important in today's world, where innovation is driven by customer needs.
The authors argue that creativity is not just for the select few, but that everyone has the potential to be creative. They define creative confidence as the ability to trust your instincts and take risks to bring your ideas to life. The authors argue that this is a skill that can be developed, and that by doing so, we can overcome the fear of failure and self-doubt that often holds us back.
Power of Empathy
Power of Empathy
Power of Creative Confidence
Power of Prototyping
People who want to unlock their full potential and achieve their goals
Who is it for?
Power of Creative Confidence
Creative Confidence is a book that teaches readers how to tap into their innate creativity and use it to achieve their goals. The authors, Tom Kelley and David Kelley, share their personal experiences and insights from their time at IDEO. The book covers topics such as how to develop your creativity, how to come up with new ideas, and how to execute on those ideas. It also includes tips and tricks for how to overcome fear and how to build a creative culture. The book is aimed at people who want to unlock their full potential and achieve their goals
Power of Prototyping
Power of Teams
Power of T-shaped People
Power of Teams
Power of T-shaped People
Tom Kelley and David Kelley
Creative Confidence
Unleashing the Creative Potential Within Us All
Product design